
Introduction and Lesson 1

I am not really good in math nor in writing so I really don't have an idea on how to do this while thinking about numbers. Good thing Math 100a is not the algebraic, trigonometric, Jurassic, full-of-terror math I know. It's more on business, which I think is a bit interesting cause it involves money ($_$).

Last time, we were taught about profit and loss. Sir Cris Paner (curriculum vitae) made it easier for us to understand. His examples were practical and clear. He also gave us an exercise, which I was able to answer despite of having no calculator (though I borrowed one from a friend ((: cause I can't do it manually) and bad problem solving abilities.

Looking forward to our next lesson. :D


  1. I was also glad that it's not algebra. Haha! And I guess it's much easier since it's about money :)))

  2. Thinking about math is "..." but incorporating it with money is in a different state. And knowing profit and loss now is a very good experience so let's keep it up!

  3. same here not really that fond with numbers but hey its something we could actually use in the future something that could actually benefit us so its best that we hook ourselves up with it :)

  4. It's amazing how instructors and/or professors can deliver simplified lessons about mathematics without stressing out the listeners. This is actually also a good motivation strategy in which the listeners could understand the concept and feel happy about what they have learned and how they have learned it.
